CanDo Theraputty Exercise Material


CanDo Theraputty hand exercise material is the standard in resistive hand exercise material. Each color-coded putty has a different consistency ranging from xx-soft for strengthening the weakest grasp to extra-firm for developing a stronger grip. Available in convenient easy-to-open plastic containers (2, 3, 4 and 6 ounce) for individual patients to use at home and a choice of larger containers (1 and 5 pound) for the hospital or clinic. CanDo Theraputty material is gluten, latex and casein free.

The putty is gluten, Latex and casein-free. Safe for all, CanDo Theraputty is non-toxic if swallowed and will not dry out.


CanDo TheraPutty Exercise Putty is the standard in resistive hand exercise material. TheraPutty is the name trusted by more doctors, therapists, hospitals and clinics than any other to strengthen hand muscles and grip, improve fine motor skills and decrease stress. With each squeeze, pinch, stretch, grip and/or twist, TheraPutty puts you on the path to healthier  hands and fingers, improves fine motor skills and decreases stress. Each of the six color-coded putties features industry standard resistances, with a progressive firmness ranging from xx-soft to x-firm.


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