Stronger grip ensures safety
The bandages are pleasantly air-permeable and very skin-friendly. Thanks to the textured structure of the fabric the turns of the bandage adhere firmly to each other. To make it even less likely that the bandage will slip, Rosidal haft, a cohesive short stretch bandage, can be used for additional security, or a cohesive fixation bandage such as Mollelast haft can be used to secure the end.
Rosidal K (short stretch bandage) is sold individually or in a set of two as Elko Rosidal K (for compression bandaging using the double-bandage technique)
Treatment stretch by stretch To achieve the desired treatment outcome, bandages are required to be elastic and exert pressure at the same time.
The Rosidal K short-stretch bandage offers powerful compression but is also a short stretch ‘textile-elastic’ bandage. It is used to provide powerful compression of the limbs in phlebology. This bandage is also used to treat acute and chronic lymphoedema and to provide support and pressure relief in traumatology and sports medicine.